
Thanks Dr. S.

By Bash Halow posted 02-15-2012 08:11


Thanks Dr. S.

 Through bleary eyes, I’m looking at an airport wall clock that’s reading 4:55 am.  I’m on my home from the VHMA Manager’s Exchange that was held in New Orleans this past weekend.  We were there just in time to catch the first bead-strewn-street days of Mardi Gras; that intoxicating, raucous celebration that drenches the city with revelers each year.

 It’s an anniversary for me too.  Twelve years ago, my first employer offered me a job in veterinary medicine and maybe 1 or 2 years after that sent me to my first veterinary conference.  I’m marking that day as I watch the minute hand go round. 

 This particular conference was sold out and assembled in the hotel’s ballroom on any given day were some of the most experienced, educated and gifted managers in veterinary medicine. Though I’m sure they’ll post videos and pictures of the event online, I’m concerned that practice owners may still not appreciate the full value of sending their team members to a VHMA conference.  So here’s an honest and hopefully motivating entreaty...

1 comment



02-15-2012 09:24

I agree 100% with you Bash! And your ROI estimates are extremely conservative. Investments in a manager can yield huge rewards for any practice. I return home from VHMA rejuvenated, excited and ready to hit the ground running EVERY time:)