
The flip side....

By Jessie Merritt posted 05-19-2011 22:53


Some days my thoughts take a welcome tangent from intense and focus driven to sentimental and a bit schmaltzy. Today is one of those days. 

If I was in an elevator and someone asked what I did for a living and asked me to name the tasks it could sound a bit boring. I track performance indicators, attendance, financials and vacation. I create policy and procedure manuals and a multitude of memo’s and forms. I oversee inventory, hiring, training,  leveraging, terminating and adding relief staff and many other things and it all sounds a little ordinary – albeit important and can make or break a practice. I also work under the intense pressure of my own standards, deadlines, expectations and goals. I take to heart the responsibility of bringing my practice owners vision to life for our team so we can bring it to fruition. So, you could say my job description lists some mundane tasks, sprinkled with rock-solid expectations and my fair share of pressure.

Then there are the intangibles….

 I have to remind myself that I coach, mentor, support and lead a group of handpicked individuals who make an extraordinary team. I have the honor of their respect and trust and I am there when they need a sounding board, some counsel or a swift piece of accountability.

I get to share the reward of seeing a newly adopted shelter dog who is shy, fearful, underweight and untrained come back over the following weeks, months and years as a well adjusted, utterly joyful, glossy coated and healthy beast.

I also see an owner’s eyes go liquid with relief and gratitude when our team brings their beloved pet back to a quality life they thought was over.

I also have the utmost privilege of being there in those times when a client is making the most difficult decision we ever have to make about our pets, and I empathize and listen and comfort and yes, at times hold a hand or be present during a final farewell.

And on occasion, I steal away moments from my day to stroke a purring cat who wants to make muffins on my chest – or roll my eyes at the Yellow Lab who just mauled me with enthusiasm in my black slacks and sweater – or wrestle a boisterous Boston Bulldog as he showers me with puppy breath.

Those moments fill my cup as a Practice Manager and most days it feels like the best of both worlds.

1 comment



05-20-2011 11:26

Wow- I love how you expressed perfectly how I feel about my vocation as well! I wish I could write so well. You have a gift.