
Rely on Your Network to Work Smarter

By Jon Cunnington posted 03-26-2014 12:31


Those who work in human health care often hear from people nearing the end of their life that they regret not spending more time at work, right?  Wrong!  Quite the contrary, people facing their own mortality nearly always say, "I wish I would have spent more time with my family, friends, and other important people in my life."  So, why am I commenting on this?  In order for us to preserve the ability to continually pursue the life and lifestyle we each desire, it is time for managers to work smarter, not just harder. 

When I am looking for ways to make my systems and processes work smarter I turn to my colleagues for feedback and advice.  For nearly 20 years, I have counted my blessings while counting my colleagues, whom I prefer to call friends.  I have been fortunate to develop networks of inspirational colleagues through my local practice managers group, regionally with other emergency and specialty practices, and nationally/internationally through the VHMA.   

Recently our hospital was acquired by VCA Animal Hospitals and now I have been adopted into a whole new family of colleagues.  This month I attended a company meeting with approximately 150 other hospital leaders comprised of medical directors, hospital managers and other team leaders.  And, once again, I was reminded of how important it is to connect with colleagues who have walked the path longer who can offer perspective and ideas that are appropriate to my place along the path.  In fact, at this meeting I once again encountered a dear colleague and friend who continues to breathe enthusiasm into veterinary management, even after her 30 something years in the field.  At the same time, I found myself offering requested and, sometimes unsolicited advice, to those who face similar challenges who may have just started their journey. 

When I reflect back on my management career I must acknowledge that I certainly would not be where I am without the support of my professional friends. Certainly my education and experience opened the door for me, but it has been through the support of my colleagues that has allowed me to grow into the manager that I have become today.

Set aside some time to think about how you can work smarter in 2014.  I challenge you to make the time to connect with your colleagues, the time invested will more than pay off as you learn from others how to improve what you do.  This month's blog might give you some ideas on how to get started.

Jon Cunnington, MBA, CVPM
VHMA President

