
Opening Day of BlogPaws

By Maranda Weathermon posted 06-22-2012 20:18

What a whirl wind of exciting things here in Salt Lake City!  I have seen Cats in hot pink wigs, skate boarding bulldogs, and ferrets in cloths!  There is an amazing group of people here that have one thing in common, PETS.  I will admit that I am a bit out of my element, being deeply steeped into the veterinary field I don't really relate to some of the people here.  That being said I know that a great deal of them have pet welfare in mind.  Something I took away from the key note speaker at the opening ceremony s that a great deal of people now look to bloggers and the internet for information rather than the veterinarian.  This opened my eyes a little bit!  What a great opportunity for us in the field to not only educate our clients but also attract new ones!  I can't wait to see what the next two days of speakers and classes will hold!

1 comment



07-02-2012 09:42

I attended the first 3 BlogPaws events and completely agree with your observations. If veterinarians aren't in the blogging arena, then pet owners aren't necessarily getting the client education we are striving to deliver. Glad you attended this year and hope it inspires you to start/continue a practice blog:)