
What’s a Practice Manager to Do?

By Martha Jack posted 04-26-2016 00:00


The 2016 VHMA Management Exchange featured a collection of practice vignettes entitled, Scary but True Practice Stories. The videos shine the spotlight on practice managers who speak candidly about difficult situations they have faced and addressed in the workplace. Following an overview of the situation, the speakers identify actions taken, lessons learned and offer recommendations for colleagues confronting similar situations.

In this issue, VHMA features Kerrie Foley Koch’s narrative, Tipping the Sacred Cow. Kerrie’s story focuses on her struggle to separate an esteemed, but problematic colleague from the practice.

Have you been there? If you have dealt with a coworker who is highly skilled, as well as intolerant, disrespectful and reluctant to play by the rules, Kerrie’s video will resonate with you. Whether the staff person is chronically difficult or difficult because of personal problems they are encountering, great clinical skills can take them only so far--action must be taken before their negativity and belligerence takes too great a toll on the practice.

View this video for Kerrie’s insights into how she confronted the situation.

Tipping The Sacred Cow

