
Moving Forward with Forward Booking

By Martha Jack posted 04-27-2018 00:00


Don't forget to book your pets appointmentWhen aiming to create new policies and procedures, it can be a lengthy and stressful process depending on the issue and how receptive staff is to the new policy. Introducing a forward booking policy is no exception. We know that done right, forward booking can result in healthier patients and a healthier bottom line for the practice. Successful implementation depends on staff transitioning to a new routine. Even the slightest change in “business as usual” can cause discomfort, anxiety and, at time, resistance.

Susan Savage, CVT, CVPM, MBA, PHR, group facilitator for the VHMA Champion Workgroup – FORWARD BOOKING, shared some sage advice from a group of practice managers that are exchanging insights about their experiences with introducing forward booking in the practice. Although each is at different points in the implementation process, their feedback and suggestions are valuable to managers who are either planning to introduce forward booking or are in the midst of the process.

Susan stressed that forward booking should be initiated for all visits---both wellness and medical progress exams. She acknowledged that most practices are already using forward booking to schedule medical progress reviews/rechecks and blood testing. Scheduling these appointments seems to be more intuitive because they represent the next steps in a treatment plan. She and the group did observe that staff members were not booking for wellness visits during progress visits and that they need to be thinking about wellness appointments at every visit.

Forward booking preventive healthcare visits, in general, can be a bit challenging because the visits are booked so far in advance that clients may be reluctant to make a commitment.

The issues, however, are not insurmountable. Summarized below are some of the lessons learned from those on the front lines.

  1. Make sure the veterinarians in the practice are committed to and see the value of forward booking. They must understand and support the concept because their input is essential for setting the parameters of the forward booking policy.
  2. When a policy has been outlined and forward booking has been incorporated into the practice’s procedures, identify a system for gathering baseline data regarding client compliance with the preventive care protocol. This information will be essential further down the road to assess the success of forward booking and identify areas that need to be improved and changed.
  3. Before presenting forward booking to the team and giving them their marching orders, button up the details. Identify and assign team and individual roles and responsibilities. Implementation should be specific.
  4. Decide how to ensure that forward booking is a top priority for staff. Reminders can reinforce the action staff must take and can take many forms…posters, checklists, clever sayings posted on the wall…the possibilities are endless. Be bold, be creative! The goal is to sear forward booking into the memory of staff. Flyers can be viewed here. They can be printed and posted throughout the practice. Partners for healthy pets will provide Forward Booking buttons for staff members to wear as reminders and a way to get the conversation started with clients.
  5. From those who know, an important tip…Many practice management software programs have features that provide a forward booking alert to staff members. Make certain that feature is active.
  6. Remember to set up reminders to clients that are sent in advance of the next appointment so the client can change or cancel if needed.

Susan and the group members admitted that it has taken a bit of prodding and reminding to get staff to forward book preventive health visits, but they continue to devise strategies to support staff. To date they have discussed training, reminders, goal setting with staff, and yes, even offering rewards!

