2019 Management Exchange


Thursday, April 4, 2019

7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. - Registration and Breakfast 

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:

Welcome and Introductions

Hot Topics in Companion Animal Medicine
Guest Speaker: John Volk

Trends in companion animal medicine are influencing---and will continue to influence---the financial future of veterinary care. Gain insights into these trends and be better prepared to address their impact by attending this session led by John Volk, senior consultant with Brakke Consulting. John will discuss the emergence and effect of the following developments:

  • The increasing concentration of manufacturers and distributors
  • The consolidation of general and specialty practices
  • The changing demographics of pet owners
  • The growth of alternative services that compete with traditional practices

These factors are influencing the purchase of products, as well as the delivery of services. By understanding their genesis and outcomes, veterinary professional will be better equipped to react with thoughtful and effective responses.

Networking Break

The Impact of Licensure on your Practice
Guest Speaker: James T. Penrod, CAE, FASLA

Ensuring that your practice’s employees are properly licensed will help protect the organization, staff, clients and patients. It is vital that practices not only understand the licensure process for veterinarians and veterinary technicians but are also clear about how to ensure that licensed staff remains in compliance.

In addition to highlighting licensure requirements, the facilitator will identify and review regulatory trends and new laws effecting veterinary professionals, issues that have the potential to impact how the hospital conducts business. Learn more and prepare to handle potential licensure disrupters such as telehealth, the opioid epidemic and USP 800 Regulations.

Ample opportunity for discussion and questions around these topical issues will be provided:

  • Barriers to licensure renewal requirements
  • Compliance with continuing education requirements and tracking
  • Client-filed complaints to state boards

Sponsored Lunch Program

Triumphs and Blunders
Join us for the opportunity to dissect a mini case study in real time. Guest presenters will share their change management anecdotes — from the reasons why they decided to make a change in their practice, to the outcome of their story. Participate in the discussion, reflect on their triumphs and learn from their mistakes. You will take away an impactful message from each of these courageous practice management peers.

Networking Break

Roundtables Discussions
This is your opportunity to discuss the Leadership “hot topics” affecting the veterinary industry today. Roundtable sessions are an excellent venue for exchanging targeted feedback and engaging in detailed conversations with a small cohort of professionals. Attendees will be divided into groups of 6-10 individuals and presented with predetermined topics for time-limited discussions.

4:30 p.m. - Welcome Reception

6:45 p.m. - Hospital Tour TBA

Friday, April 5, 2019

7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Registration and Breakfast

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.:

Welcome Energizer

The Impact of Market Segmentation on Veterinary Practices and their Interplay with Animal Welfare Organizations
Guest Speaker: Roger Haston, Ph.D.

Understanding market segmentation in the animal welfare space is refreshed with a data-driven approach. Nationally published data, as well as data from various programs and studies within animal welfare and veterinary communities, will be explored.

The session will also focus on how various attributes of key market segments can be treated to better understand the mindset of the customer.

A micro-economic exploration of the implications of different segments on business models will yield insights into how the business models interact and what opportunities and challenges exist in understanding these differences.

The session will conclude with an examination of possibilities for the future and a discussion about how the “traditional” view of the market may obscure receptivity to key opportunities.

Networking Break

The Upside of Changing Markets and Client Demands
Guest Speaker: Whitney Miller, DVM, MBA

Recent economic developments suggest that the market is headed into uncertain territory. Moreover, clients are requesting---and yes, sometimes demanding---that services be updated, modified or even replaced. This program will guide managers through the volatility of the markets and the mindset of pet owners to prepare them to respond to these changes effectively. Dr. Miller will review data, identify strategies for leveraging opportunities and detail some new services, including Thrive and Pet Coach, that are being developed using consumer data.

Sponsored Lunch Program

Application Stations - Disruption Drives Innovation
Maybe it’s time to retire the old idiom, “Don’t make waves.” Sometimes you need to take a look at the ways things are done and shake up the tried-and-true. Innovative thinkers can step outside of traditional perspectives and approach issues creatively and unconventionally. Disrupter application stations, led by your peers, will encourage attendees to readjust their thinking about practice issues and use this information to create responses or solutions that they can bring back to their practices.

Station topics:

  • Telemedicine
  • Profit Disruption
  • Coaching workplace behaviors
  • Cultivating workplace culture

Lightning-Fast Problem Solving
Stumped? Stuck? Baffled by a practice issue? Free your mind to explore the possibilities by participating in this speed session that promotes innovative thinking, fast solutions and peer feedback.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Registration and Breakfast

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.:

Master Series - Case Study
The VHMA Case Study is an educational format in which a fictional practice case is presented and the participants are given the opportunity to offer a remedy or suggestions on the particulars of the case. The fictional practice case is intended to involve the participants in, in-depth study and discussion of all areas of practice management including: Human Resources, Business Law, Insurance and Ethics, Marketing, and Financial and Organizational Management.

Networking Break

Panel Discussion
A panel discussion is designed to provide an opportunity for a group of colleagues to hear several people knowledgeable about a specific issue or topic present information, and discuss personal views and experiences. A VHMA panel discussion also allows opportunity for question and discussion among the
audience itself. Topic focus: Flexible scheduling for the future (attracting staff and managing work when staff want to work less hours).

Wrap Up and Close