
Scholarship Opportunities 

Managers who can lead effectively are critical to the success of the practice. The most effective managers know that continuing education and professional development programs build competencies, increase skills, and are at the core of becoming a competent leader. Through the generous support of its partners, VHMA is pleased to offer several scholarship opportunities to candidates for the Certified Veterinary Practice Manager (CVPM) credential that are designed to support professional growth and career success.

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VHMA's Emerging Leader Scholarship Program

Specifically developed for the youngest generation of managers, this program creates meaningful opportunities for a new generation of veterinary management professionals to engage in the association, grow professionally, energize the association with new leaders, and contribute to the future direction of the profession.

Each year, two (2) veterinary management professionals who have exhibited the potential for growth in their practice and within the association are awarded the VHMA Emerging Leader Scholarship.

Application due date annually: September 1.

Learn more about this scholarship opportunity.


Mark Opperman, CVPM

Mark Opperman Scholarship Award Program

The Mark Opperman Scholarship Award honors the legacy of visionary leader Mark Opperman, the founder of the Veterinary Hospital Managers Association (VHMA) and the creator of the Certified Veterinary Practice Manager (CVPM) certification program. This scholarship aims to elevate the standards of veterinary practice management by providing financial support to practice management professionals pursuing CVPM certification.

The CVPM credential represents the highest level of certification in veterinary practice management, signifying excellence, expertise, and leadership. Through this award, recipients receive assistance with costs associated with the certification process.

By supporting the Mark Opperman Scholarship Award, donors contribute to advancing veterinary practice management and fostering the next generation of leaders and role models in the industry. This program ensures that Mark's vision for exceptional practice management continues to thrive.

Learn more about this scholarship opportunity. 



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Zoetis logo
VMG Scholarship

Through a collaboration between, VMG, Zoetis and VHMA this program is focused on creating well-rounded practice managers who demonstrate a high level of expertise and who are better prepared to address the needs of practice owners. 

Each year the VMG Scholarship Program selects five (5) employees of VMG member practices to receive this award.

Application due date annually: September 1.

Learn more about this scholarship opportunity.

What Can a CVPM Certified Manager Bring to YOUR Veterinary Practice?

The CVPM certification process is rigorous and focuses on creating well-rounded practice managers who demonstrate a high level of expertise and who are better prepared to address the needs of practice owners. CVPM certification ensures the continuation of ongoing learning and connects like-minded professionals who share information and support. 

Certification is a win-win for the practice and its manager!

The CVPM certification program and the Veterinary Hospital Managers Association (VHMA) are exclusive of each other, but go hand-in-hand in enhancing one’s professional career.